Crafting Tailored Strategies for Local Market Success

Crafting Tailored Strategies for Local Market Success

Entering a new market can be daunting for many organizations, and engaging the local community can significantly impact the success of a nascent venture. Social consciousness must be at the forefront of any endeavor, meaning companies have to ask how their work will impact the communities at large.  

Having a partner who has boots on the ground can help companies rise to the challenge and unlock valuable insights that inform how to interact with and be impactful in communities. Fortunately for businesses, Ichor Strategies provides services that can help organizations strategize and tailor their initiatives. Ichor engages a large network of community influencers across the country for feedback, making it easier for businesses to understand the needs of their consumer base.  

The Combination of Big and Small 

Organizations need to get the lay of the land before entering a new market, and conducting the proper research is critical to maximize the chance of success. Organizations must be able to see the big picture, but they can’t afford to overlook the minor details that can make or break an initiative. They also need to understand their constituents’ pain points and previous attempts at problem-solving. What worked and what didn’t? And how can past efforts be improved? 

Ichor Strategies helps uncover these answers. We combine the research and analytical capabilities of a large consulting firm with an on-the-ground presence in over 70 U.S. cities. Our research will uncover issues communities are facing and provide historical context to better understand the local markets.  

How an Organization Can Benefit from a Bespoke On-the-Ground Approach  

The people who live and work in the community know it best, and their buy-in is critical. And while community engagement takes time and effort, it is essential for yielding positive results.  

That’s why an on-the-ground approach provides an advantage to businesses. It builds trust with the customer base and strengthens customer loyalty. Before launching a new initiative, companies must listen before they act. Engaging the community that will be impacted is a step which cannot be overlooked, as companies must go beyond only talking to elected officials and institutionalized stakeholders. They should also engage first responders, churches, neighborhood organizations, and others who affect the lives of people on the ground.  

There are a couple of ways businesses can use community engagement to their advantage. For example, Ichor assisted a Fortune-10 healthcare company with increasing the COVID-19 vaccine adoption rates in 31 divergent neighborhoods across the country. The path to success in every neighborhood depended on each locale’s demographics, socio-economic circumstances, influencers, preferred language, and other factors. Only by adopting a bespoke approach to each location was Ichor able to help the client achieve its business goals. 

What Ichor Brings to the Table  

Ichor Strategies offers a comprehensive suite of solutions designed to help businesses not only to stand out, but to become true partners in the neighborhoods they operate in. Ichor turns raw insights into implementable plans, and helps craft strategies for businesses to succeed. Our offerings include:  

  • Analytics — Ichor helps businesses identify patterns and discover insights unique to each community or neighborhood they operate in.  
  • GIS Mapping — Geographic information system (GIS) mapping helps companies plot public and industry data against location references to find meaningful patterns. Ichor can go city block by city block to gain insights about race/ethnicity, income, education, and other demographic and socio-economic data. We then use these data paints to identify trends. 
  • Hyperlocal Dialogues — The best way for organizations to understand the needs of the local community is to talk to the people who live and work there. By engaging key stakeholders and community groups, holding dialogues, soliciting opinions and feedback, organizations can turn silos into two-way communication tools.  

Contact Ichor Strategies to learn how our unique approach can help you find the right approach in any local market or neighborhood in the country.